
Spåra åldern på din Rigby!

Trace the provenance of your Rigby gun with
gunmaker's new historical research service

London gunmaker John Rigby & Co has announced an invaluable new historical research service that will enable Rigby owners to discover the provenance of their firearm. This includes when it was made, who it was first sold to, what its action number and serial numbers are and, if available, information on its style and finish.

Rigby owners who want to take up the service need to supply Rigby with the serial number of their rifle or shotgun. Rigby's in-house historian will then search through the relevant company ledger to discover the firearm's provenance. Rigby's 82 history-filled ledgers, which are kept at its purpose-built Vauxhall-based showroom, include records of all the guns Rigby has made since 1775.

The research service will also appeal to anyone who wants proof of their Rigby's authenticity, should they want to put it on the market, and will enable potential purchasers of a Rigby to check it is genuine.

David Miles, Rigby's Gunroom Manager, commented: "This new service means those who already own a Rigby can take pride in its history and enjoy owning a certificate stating its provenance taken direct from our ledgers. For someone thinking of buying or selling a Rigby the service is useful in proving authenticity. With Rigby you don't just own a gun you also own a slice of history and we are very happy to be able to share this information with our clients."

The historical information can be supplied in a choice of three formats: for £39 it is emailed to the client, for £78 a card certificate will be sent, and for £120 Rigby will supply a ready-to-hang framed certificate.

For more information, visit: www.johnrigbyandco.com


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